Tips for a successful Video Dance Party

Video Dance Party Pynx DJ Services for Your Next Event - Successful Video Dance
Pynx Productions provides audio & video entertainment at several hundred events per year. It’s been our observation that while most service clubs and community groups enjoy a high level of success with a Pynx Productions Radio Series Video Dance Party promotion, some groups are more successful than others.  Here’s what we’ve learned.

Here's our Tips for a successful Video Dance Party

Don’t count on your radio advertising to sell tickets for a successful video dance!

If you’ve just committed your group to a $3,000 – $3,500 expenditure, this statement may shock you, but it’s really important that you understand how your radio campaign works.  Today’s fast paced lifestyle has changed the way people make commitments to special events.  Anticipating change, people wait as long as possible to make decisions about how to spend their leisure time. 

That translates into a nightmare for groups trying to sell advance tickets to any function.  Ticket sellers will face the same response time and time again.  “Yeah, I think I’ll probably go, but I don’t have the money on me.”  or  “Sounds good, but I’ve got to speak with my spouse, can I let you know later?”  The fact of the matter is that a high percentage of these people will make their decision to go (or not to go) during the final week preceding the event.  Many will wait until the last day.

This is where your radio commercials work for you.

To give these noncommittal types a down to the wire kick in the pants, nothing builds excitement like a heavy radio campaign.  20 to 30 radio commercials scheduled as a saturation campaign, (a lot of commercials over a short period of time) can have a substantial impact. If your group has worked hard to spread the news about your event, the hype generated by your week of radio commercials should remind these people that your event is the place to be!
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Why not spread my commercials out to start earlier?

Yes, you can reduce the number of commercials per day so that your campaign starts earlier, but this may involve compromise.  Thinning out your campaign might reduce the impact of your commercials when you need them the most.  Again, if your group has done its job, your radio campaign will serve to “remind” all of the people you have already solicited that it’s time to make a decision.
So what should we do?
First, gain the commitment of your group. Divide your numbered tickets into groups and distribute them to each member of the team.  The larger the group, the fewer tickets each member has to sell.  The real trick is to keep in touch, weekly, with each seller and track their progress. Make it clear to each holder that after a certain period of time, tickets will be relocated from unsuccessful sellers to those who have already sold out.  This will help to build urgency and motivate sellers to gain commitments as soon as possible.  Collect cash, not promises.

Secondly, find retail outlets who are willing to sell tickets for you, in exchange for mentions or a kickback. Remember, you’ve got 3 Giant screens you can offer to put their logos up on, for a fee or in return for selling tickets, or providing draw prizes, giveaways etc.  Put up posters, send notices to your local paper(s), utilize “Social Media” ie. Facebook, create an event and have all members invite EVERYONE to it,  and make use of as much free advertising as possible.

Finally, be sure to obtain a liquor license that is in effect for the duration of your event.  Also make sure to have adequate bar supplies and staff to ensure quick service.
Anything  else?
Just one more thing. Be careful not to set your ticket prices too high.  Generally it’s better to charge less and have more people. That’s especially true when it comes to licensed events. Alcohol sales can make up a substantial portion of your profit.  It’s been our experience that $10.00 advance and $12.00 at the door is a price people don’t mind paying.

Call Pynx at 1-877-654-3210 to speak to a representative and get more information for running a successful video dance.